A car hooting. Someone calling. A phone ringing. The radio playing. A door opening. A jar breaking. Water falling. A clock. A bell. A music box. A song. A voice.
Can you imagine your life without this? Can you imagine your life without music, without voices, without noises, without sound? Getting all your emotions through your eyes, your hands and taste, forgetting you have ears, forgetting the vibration of the particles in the air that go through your ears, and make you leave this reality for instants when THAT MUSIC is playing, when THAT VOICE is calling.
As the inspiration for one of our "5 Minutes Oral Presentations", Children of a Lesser God is the movie this class sugests you for your Easter Hollidays. It's an amazing long tape from 1986, that will certainly touck your hearts, and take you to another reality, the reality of deaf people, and the deaf culture itself.
Watch it, and ENJOY IT!
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