Multicultural Racism

Racism is based on the belief that certain people are higher than others because they belong to a different race. Racists distinguish races based on physical characteristics such as skin colour and appearance of hair. But really, we all know that we can say that race is an invented concept, because it has no biological foundation. Racism is also abusive or aggressive towards members of a particular different race. A relatively new form of racism called "ethnic or cultural differentiation" says that all races and cultures are equal, but they should not mix up, so as to retain its originality.

Intolerance is a lack of respect for the practices and beliefs of others. This activity is very present in our society. Therefore, we need a cultural equality, that is, no one is more important than another, whatever their parents, their social status, their interests, abilities, lifestyle... So, we all have the same rights. Furthermore, biology has identified once race only: the human race.

The human being is enriched by the knowledge of different cultures and the contacts we have with these, developing our personality when we are confronted with them. At this practice we call multiculturalism. All people, different or not, should be able to live together independently of their cultures. Multiculturalism is the acceptance and respect for differences. The belief in interculturalism believes that we can learn and develop our personality through other cultures.

By: Ana Amorim and Liliana Alves

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"Throwing your knickers at someone"

Some weeks ago, while I was chatting about "The X Factor" with Emma, an English friend from Sussex, we’ve been able to face really funny misunderstandings thanks to our different cultures and the weird expressions used by English native speakers.

“I didn’t really like listening to Danyl singing…” I commented.

“I’m listening to him right now!! Oh my God! Cheryl is throwing her knickers at him now!”

“HER KNICKERS? I did not see that part!!! WOW!!! She must be crazy! Did it appear on TV? WOW! I’ve really got to see that!”

“WHAT? Ahahah! I didn’t mean like she was literally throwing her panties at him!”

“Ah!!! Oh! Really? What a pity! Firstly I got shocked! But then I was looking forward to see that!!! So… Is “throwing your knickers at someone” an expression?”

“Yes! It’s an expression! Ahah! I used it because she was almost flirting with Danyl!!! Ahahah!”

“Ahah! I’m feeling so geek now!!! I was imagining it literally… It’d have been much funnier!! Come on! You’ve got to agree with me!!!”

Whatever else people may do when they come together – whether they play, fight, make love or make automobiles – they talk. We live in a world of so many words, expressions, meanings and languages!… and actually, we all can learn amazing things in some kind of funny learning with people from different cultures. It’s just a question of being curious and finding your own way…

«Learn what you need, share what you know.»
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Who are you in this multicultural world?

I am human. I am young. I am tall. I am short. I am thin. I am fat. I am black. I am white. I am blond. I am brunette. I am rich. I am poor. I am a boy. I am a girl. I don't know. I am sexy. I am gay. I am bisexual. I am lesbian. I am straight. I am christian. I am jewish. I am muslim. I dream. I wish. I smile. I laugh. I cry. I hurt. I work. I play. I am a son. I am a daughter. I am a mother. I am a father. I make mistakes. I vote. I bleed. I love. I am here. I am me.

- unknown -

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What would happen if everyone cared?...

1984. Bob Geldof, music journalist turned punk rock frontman, was inspired by a news report about Africa’s famine epidemic and began his fight against world hunger. Geldof organized the world’s first global charity concert: LIVE AID. Performances by 100 artists around the world were viewed by 1.5 BILLION people. Live Aid raised 150 million dollars in one day.

1976. Betty Williams, a receptionist and mother of two, witnessed three children killed during the political turmoil in Northern Ireland. Within 2 days of the tragic event, Williams obtained 6,000 signatures petitioning for peace. She then led 10,000 people on a peace march to the children’s graves. The peaceful march was disrupted by protesters. One week later, Williams organized another march. This time the march was 35,000 strong. When interviewed during the second march, Williams said “we just walked right on through all the stones and all the bottles and whatever they threw, we have won a major victory.” Betty Williams was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1976.

1961. Two students in Portugal raised their glasses in a toast to freedom. They were imprisoned for seven years. British lawyer Peter Benenson was shocked by the events. To rally support for the students, he wrote a letter to his local paper. The response was so overwhelming that a committee was formed to organize the campaign. It quickly grew into a world-wide movement, known today as Amnesty International.

1920s. A boy from a small South African village dreamt of a day when equality would prevail over his country. After years of activism, he was charged with “political treason” and sentenced to life in prison. His dream of equality never died. In 1990, after 27 years in prison, Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was finally released. Mandela then led South Africa to its first ever democratic presidential election. Nearly 19 million people voted. Nelson Mandela won the election, ending the racist apartheid regime that divided South Africa for 46 years.

“Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
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I was thinking about the unit we started to study today and I decided to post about it :D

My definition:

Discrimination is a sociological term referring to the treatment taken toward or against a person of a certain group that is taken in consideration based in skin color, in religion or even in social class. Nowadays, people think that Discrimination is only related with racism, but discriminatory behaviors can take many forms, and they all involve some form of exclusion or rejection. That behaviors can be based on sex, race, religion, age, gender or on disabilities...

(finally, after so many promises, I'm posting :D )

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The promise...

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Let's Have Fun

A few lessons ago, we were talking about a song that we all heard on the radio. It's called "I want to live in Ibiza" and it makes us remember the summer and all the good moments that we lived in that season :) ENJOY! :D

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A funny job application!

This is an actual job application that a 17-year-old boy submitted at a McDonald's
restaurant in Florida; and they hired him because he was so honest and funny!

"NAME: Greg Bulmash.

SEX: Not yet. Still waiting for the right person.

DESIRED POSITION: Company's President or Vice President. But seriously, whatever's available.

If I was in a position to be picky, I wouldn't be applying here in the first place.

DESIRED SALARY: $185,000 a year plus stock options and a Michael Ovitz style severance package.

If that's not possible, make an offer and we can haggle.


LAST POSITION HELD: Target for middle management hostility.

SALARY: Less than I'm worth.

MOST NOTABLE ACHIEVEMENT: My incredible collection of stolen pens and 'post-it' notes.


AVAILABLE FOR WORK: Of course. That's why I'm applying.

PREFERRED HOURS: 1:30 - 3:30pm., Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

DO YOU HAVE ANY SPECIAL SKILLS?: Yes, but they're better suited to a more intimate environment.

MAY WE CONTACT YOUR CURRENT EMPLOYER?: If I had one, would I be here?


DO YOU HAVE A CAR?: I think the appropriate question here would be "Do you have a car that runs?"

HAVE YOU RECEIVED ANY SPECIAL AWARDS OR RECOGNITION?: I may already be the winner of the Publishers Clearinghouse Sweepstakes.

DO YOU SMOKE?: On the job, no, on my breaks, yes.

WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO BE DOING IN FIVE YEARS?: Living in the Bahamas with a fabulously wealthy dumb blond supermodel who thinks I'm the greatest thing since sliced bread. Actually, I'd like to be doing that now.


SIGN HERE: Aries."

This kid will go far! Don't forget: being honest is always the most imortant thing in an interview! He was hired!!! LOL
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A Day in the Life of a Highland Cow

Do you know the Highland cows? They are the cutest cows I've ever seen! It's almost imposible to visit the Scottish Highlands without encountering a Highland cow...

The following is a schedule of events in the life of a Highland cow in Summer pasture mode:

5:30 to 6:00 a.m . - Cows wake up. Senior cow gets up first and stands in front of the other cattle so they can admire her. All then get up and do a little ritual poop. Cows may make sarcastic greetings to each other like "good morning hairbag" or "who made those horns?"

6:00 to 8:00 a.m. - general grazing time, followed by a period of staring at the master's home. All drink water during this period.
8:00 to 9:00 a.m. - All cattle receive the master, reporting any overnight problems and complaints. Common complaints are: quality of hay, grass has lost it's crunch, why are we not being raked more regularly, etc. Master gives hay and they show appreciation by staring at him and threatning to break wire and escape or rub and kill more trees.

9:00 to 11:00 a.m. - Cattle find shade and socialize. The senior cow leads discussions...basically they gossip! They are very interested in visitors and the shoes, belts or gloves they wear...
11:00 to 4:00 p.m. - general grazing, pooping and peeing, rubbing on trees, trying to break fence, resting in shade, staring at master's house or watching him work around yard or barn. A highlight of this period is when master's wife yells at him or he does something stupid that appeals to their sense of humor. Highland cows don't laugh openly, but smile and grin with a slight upper lift of their mouths.

4:00 to 7:00 p.m. - eat hay master has given them, poop and pee followed by a time of meditation. Highland cattle have no religion but know they are sacred and play on this. Crop circles, sacred cows, their role at the nativity and in Scotland's history is very important to them. The face west as the sun sets and place their noses on the ground, standing perfectly still for up to a minute. It is a most moving ceremony.

7:00 to Dusk - Senior cow decides where they will bed down for night. She usually sleeps looking towards master's home, with other cattle behind. They are very quiet during this period; however, there is some lowing or "rowing" as they say.

At Dusk - To get to sleep, cows tell stories for night. These are epic tales which highland cattle have passed down for centuries... Some of their favourites are:
      - Wellington Wullie" - about a lonely shepherd who goes nuts and trys to ravish a herd of highlands.
      - Old Mary and the Wolf" - about an old cow who fights off a wolf to save her calf.
      - "How the snake got it's name", and on full moon nights, the horror tale "Jock be nimble, Jock be quick.

Then they fall to sleep secure in the knowledge that the master loves and cares for them and has been placed on this earth to serve their every need and be their devoted servant.

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The Landlady - Our Ending...

After drinking the poisoned tea, Billy started feeling really dizzy: “I need to go to bed, because I’m feeling very tired and sleepy,” said Billy. “But I would be very glad if we finished our conversation tomorrow at breakfast.”
“Ok sweetheart! And I won’t forget your egg. Do you want it well done?”
“Yes, well done would be great!” Billy said, trying to stay awake.
Now, he was
feeling really bad and asked the landlady if he could use the toilet. When he got to the toilet he threw up all the tea. He felt better after that.
“My God! That tea had a very strange taste,” he thought. “That
crazy lady must have put something in it...”
He went out to the corridor, and went up stairs, but, still feeling dizzy, he asked himself: “ Is my bedroom on the second or third floor? I think it’s on the third...”
When he got there, he opened a door, thinking it was his bedroom and he saw two other men inside the room.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I thought this was my room,” but then he noticed that the men didn’t move. He approached and he realised that, like the dog and the parrot, they were
Oh, I see that you have met my other guests,” said the old lady behind him.
Billy had a fright and pushed the landlady out of the way.
He ran down the stairs, opened the front door, and ran away
as if the Devil was behind him...
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